Monday, September 29, 2008

High Definition

Metal Gear Solid 4

I've been very reluctant to jump on to the HD bandwagon mostly because my television is still SDTV and a good HDTV will cost me a lot of money. Besides, I often wondered if it's worth it, since the majority of games don't look that impressive or HD-like, IMO. I actually tried to fight the urge to buy this particular console and I'm still suffering from a little bit of buyer's remorse. However, I really wanted the Hagane (Gun Metal) version of PS3 so I figure this is a good excuse to jump into the HD market. Much to my delight, it's totally worth it. The picture looks unbelievable even though my TV is only SDTV. As for MGS4, I've always wanted to play a game where the storyline is seamless with the game and this game offers that exact experience. I know a lot of people dislike having long cut scenes in their game but I love it since the enjoyment that I derive from a game is not only from its interactivity but also from the story that it is trying to tell. Without a story, a game will feel kind of hollow and an unfulfilling experience for me. Besides, it's really hard to tell where the cut scenes end and when the game starts in MGS4. The transition between the two elements is so smooth that it's impressive.

Posted by Garten

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