Sunday, January 31, 2010
Haven't Met You Yet
Picture is taken from :http://www.elyrics.net/read/m/michael-buble-lyrics/haven_t-met-you-yet-lyrics.htmlTopic starter : Monday, Feb(r)uary 1, 2010 (1:16 pm)This morning on my way to the office, I heard a song by Michael Buble, this song called "Haven't Met You Yet", and ahahaha.. I'm bad at listening so I didn't quite get what he said on the lyric, hihihi..But somehow I love it..And my mind was
Month of Love
Gambar diambil dari : http://www.mindyourmind.ca/personal-stories/blog/images/lovebegets.jpgTopic starter : Senin, 1 Februari 2010 (10:42 am)Maaaaannn.. kok tau2 udah bulan Februari aja seeh?! Cepet amat udah sebulan berlalu di tahun 2010 inii, huhuhu..Mari kita mulai bulan Februari ini dengan sebuah pertanyaan.Nope, it's NOT about love, ahahaha.. walaupun gua ngasih judul itu and ntar juga mo
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I Was Born As Indah..
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Mati Kutu
Gambar diambil dari :http://spasmicallyperfect.files.wordpress.com/2009/08/dead-end.jpgTopic starter : Minggu, 31 Januari 2010 (6:07 pm)Ahahahaha.. ngga ngerti harus ketawa terbahak2 or meringis yaa ngebacanya? Hihihi..Mantaps sekalee.. Emang susah menandingi kecerdasaannyaa ;)Kalo udah diangkat ke permukaan gini yaa biar dikasih tau gimana yaa susah juga *nyengir*Luaarr biasaa rancangannya ituu
Soo NOT Ready To Have Children.. Yet..
Gambar diambil dari :http://photos.igougo.com/images/p191691-Ocho_Rios-Chidren_playing_on_the_beach.jpgTopic starter : Minggu, 31 Januari 2010 (2:19 pm)Huaa.. kejadian siang ini kembali menyadarkan gua akan sesuatu.Gua belon siap punya anak :DYa ya yaa.. ini sebenernya ngga perlu terlalu dikuatirkan karena toh jalan menuju ke arah sana juga belon terlalu terbuka, ahahahaa :pTapii.. tetep ajaa..
Saturday, January 30, 2010
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Dear My Familyy..
Gambar diambil dari :https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEiDnXLDn5XgddODSe6wzkUPAn-PcrRwkT9S7W19ynBaA82H8SEn4IwQHdMC8C3rVfB0CibO18onLafCuRgmhTqa0f_0mdcD94t_6j3wqQScbd5PEopBqf9BzKVtwhoEi221CXHBDV0OnG4/s1600/relationships.jpgTopic starter : Saturday, January 30, 2010 (7:49 pm)Today has been an emotional day for me that made me wanted to post again something that I wrote few months back then.Maybe as a reminder.Or just for hmm.. I don't know.A way for others to remember me after I'm gone.I had planned
What's Wrong With Me?
Gambar diambil dari :http://gaylemckay.files.wordpress.com/2007/07/uncertainty-full.jpgTopic starter : Sabtu, 30 Januari 2010 (7:04 pm)Hmm.. aneh, ada apa dengan diri gua?Tadi sesaat abis ngepost yang terakhir, gua turun ke bawah ke kamar nyokap buat nyetelin film seri Korea yang tadi dibeli. Sambil nemenin nyokap nonton, gua lanjut baca buku yang tadi gua beli.Baru baca beberapa lembar, tiba2
Stupid Mistakes
Gambar diambil dari :http://mikegothard.files.wordpress.com/2009/05/fear_and_regret_by_deathtopanic.jpgI've done it again.. Ketika ngga bisa membedakan antara "silence is golden" ama "speak up for the better"!Stupid mistakes.When will you ever learn, Indah?!...(I think I really need to get back to read books again.. rasanya hidup jauh lebih simpel ketika belum mengenal internet..)-bukan, Indaahh
my 30s,
my life in writings,
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QoD : The Box
Gambar diambil dari :http://www.iwatchstuff.com/2009/04/07/the-box-poster-diaz.jpgTopic starter : Sabtu, 30 Januari 2010 (5:10 pm)Baru balik dari nonton "The Box" ama my cousin.Satu pertanyaan yang mengganjal..Kenapa yaa semua yang nekan tuh tombol dikisahkan adalah sang istri?Apa wanita segitu mudahnya terjatuh akan "kuasa" bernama uang?*hmm*Topic ended : 30 Januari 2010 (5:11 pm)-Indah-the
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Friday, January 29, 2010
Picture is taken from :http://19.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_kvivrmrCtX1qzdr4go1_500.jpgTopic starter : Friday, January 29, 2010 (10:50 pm)Ahahaha.. I want to laugh out loud right now, ahahaaha..La la laa..Isn't it funny how one can turn things upside down?The offender plays a role as a victim? Hihihi..Life is like a drama, I know.But I prefer to let it happen naturally and not fall into traps by
Gambar diambil dari :http://mosaicartsource.files.wordpress.com/2006/10/queen-esther-holding-evidence-of-hamans-guilt-mosaic-portrait-lilian-broca.jpgTopic starter : Jumat, 29 Januari 2010 (6:48 pm) Duhh.. ntah kenapa tadi dalam perjalanan pulang, gua ngerasa kepala gua beraaaattt bangetss.. Padahal sebelonnya ngga apa2 lhoo walau menjelang sore tadi gua ngerasa kepala gua penuh, sayangnyaa..
Thursday, January 28, 2010
The Power of A Prayer
Gambar diambil dari :http://iciesworld.files.wordpress.com/2009/12/pray1.jpgTopic starter : Jumat, 29 Januari 2010 (2:15 pm)Jangan pernah menyepelekan kekuatan sebuah doa.Pagi ini nyokap menyampaikan suatu berita bagus.Gua hanya manggut2 aja menanggapinya sambil berkata dalam hati, "Akhirnyaa.. it's about time! Syukurlah nyadar juga!"Baru siang ini di kala gua memutuskan untuk mengetik postingan
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Mother Teresa's Quote
Picture is taken from :http://www.saintsgallery.com/images/Mother_Teresa.JPGTopic starter : Friday, January 29, 2010 (12:42 pm)A while back then, a friend of mine send me a forwarded quote to my inbox in FB.The quote has wonderful message in it although somehow the message ain't click with me up until now.But then I remember that I shouldn't keep it.. I have to release it free so this message
my 30s,
release the message free
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Enjoy Aja : A Day Full of Chat
Picture is taken from :http://sanur.webs.com/j0439344.jpgTopic starter : Kamis, 28 Januari 2010 (5:32 pm)Hari ini hari ini hari Kamis, hari keempat.Mari kita mari kitaa.. Mulai postingannya aja daripada terus nyanyi2 yang ngga jelas, wakakakakak :pHari ini, yupp.. hari Kamis tanggal 28 Januari ini adalah hari yang dipenuhi acara chatting, ahahaha..Ini sih bisa dibilang sama juga bohong yaa,
Spanish Inquisition: Was Cristiano Ronaldo’s Red Card And Two-Match Ban A Just Decision?

“From Angel to Demon” read the Marca headline, that first described Cristiano Ronaldo’s two strikes (the second of which was sublime) and then his ‘codazo’ (elbow thrown) into the face of Danish left-back David Mtiliga, breaking the defender’s nose. The headline and match report implied a fit of petulance by the Portuguese international, a violent outburst that came after
one particularly physical challenge.
After all, Cristiano does have a reputation for such childish dismissals. During his time at Manchester United, he picked up four red cards: one in 2004 against Aston Villa and two against Manchester City - the first for a high lunge on forward Andy Cole during a 3-1 defeat that was mostly seen as a malicious act of frustration and the second for a clear hand ball, which was allegedly caused by a violent push in the back in jumping for the ball, causing Ronaldo to bring his hands up to defend his face.
But the most notable remains his last sending off in a Red Devil shirt when in the 2007–08 season, Cristiano was shown a red card for a head-butt on Portsmouth’s Richard Hughes, for which the Man U star was punished with a three-match ban. Much was made of that expulsion and although Ronaldo outwardly spoke that he had "learned a lot" from that experience and would no longer let opposing players "provoke" him into reacting in the future, such offences are rarely forgotten and Cristiano’s hot-headed reputation took hold.
In the first week of December during a match against Almeria, a brilliant Ronaldo won a penalty kick (although he missed the spot kick that Karim Benzema would clean up for the goal) and scored a goal himself on a Gonzalo Higuain cross. But after his strike, the ecstatic Portuguese stripped his shirt and flexed his muscles for a photo that would have looked better in one of his Armani model shoots than on the
football pitch - if only for the reason that it earned him a yellow card. Four minutes later, after a series of forceful challenges against him, Ronaldo lashed out with a vicious kick on Almeria’s Juanma Ortiz, an offence that earned him his second yellow card and his first sending off in a Madrid shirt (no pun intended).
The Santiago Bernabeu is not a place known for its ability to forgive. It demands its players to comport themselves with class and humility a la Zidane, Raul, and Kaka. But every player is entitled to one stupid mistake and with Ronaldo’s apology in the press immediately after his rush of blood to the head, the outburst was forgotten - or in light of CR9’s immense talent - swept under the rug.
The initial readings of the Spanish press reports seemed to indicate that Sunday’s ‘codazo’ was a relapse of the same impulsive behaviour, but upon watching the match myself, Cristiano’s flailing arm looked like more of an attempt to fend off Mtiliga (who was very clearly pulling CR9 back) than a malice-driven strike at
the face. The contact looked incidental instead of intentional; in other words, it looked as if Ronaldo was trying to play football.
A few years ago, Ronaldo had a reputation as a diver. A fast player with a slight build, the Portuguese winger would shy away from contact and very often try to simulate for the referee. Sometimes such Oscar-winning performances would win him penalties and other times yellow cards, but in both instances, it earned him a bad reputation among both fans and the zebras [referees].
But after much coaching by Sir Alex Ferguson and a good deal of work in the gym, a physically and mentally stronger Ronaldo began to ride challenges, fight through fouls, and fend off defenders, relying instead upon himself rather than the referee’s judgment. During some matches this season, Ronaldo can even be seen giving disapproving looks toward to the referee for calling a foul rather than allowing the
advantage to be played for Madrid to continue their often-lethal counterattacks.
Upon being held back by a defender, the Ronaldo of a few years ago would have stopped playing, thrown his limbs up into the air like a fish, and flopped onto the pitch with an incredulous shout and pleading look in the direction of the referee. But against Malaga, CR9 fought through the challenge in an attempt to play football and was penalised with a red card when his arm struck Mtiliga in the face. Ronaldo, himself, spoke afterward about the incident saying that if Mtiliga had been taller, his flailing arm would have connected with the defender’s chest. If anything, the Dane should have been punished with a yellow.
It seems that Cristiano has a point. Interestingly enough, an eerily similar play occurred the week before in Barcelona’s La Liga match against Sevilla, a match the Blaugrana won 4-0. The incident in question occurred when Sevilla defender Marc Valiente attempted to hold up Barca star Lionel Messi by grabbing the Argentine by the waist, shirt, and arm in a manner similar (albeit more extreme) to Mtiliga's pullback of Cristiano Ronaldo.
Instead of going down and simulating the foul, Messi, as he always strives to do, attempted to fight and free himself from the taller defender's grasp by pushing him off with his right arm, his elbow lashing backward at Valiente's chest and face. In Messi's case, no foul was called for the Argentine's wild flailing and Valiente
was booked for his mugging. All the while, the only difference between the two incidents (made clear by a video released by sports daily AS that juxtaposes the two events) appears to be the fact that Ronaldo is half a foot (0.17 metres) taller than Messi - or that Mtiliga is nearly half a foot (0.12 metres) shorter than Valiente
(it's all relative), and that Ronaldo’s arm inadvertently came into contact with Mtiliga’s face while Messi's arm did not make contact.

Ron seeing red for the first time in white
Since CR9’s sending off and subsequent two-match ban by the Spanish Competition Committee (Madrid will reportedly appeal the punishment with the hope of reducing it to one match), which will force Los Blancos’ best player to miss next weekend’s match against Deportivo La Coruna at the Riazor, where they have not won in 19 seasons, murmurs of conspiracy theories are abound in the Spanish capital. Instigated by the video that compares the similar plays of Messi and Ronaldo and the very dissimilar outcomes, Madridistas are beginning to elevate their whispers of ‘Villarato’ to louder volumes.
'Villarato' is not a real Spanish word, but a term coined by Spaniards to describe the close relationship between Barca president Joan Laporta and Spanish Federation president José María Villar (also the vice-president of FIFA and the third vice-president of UEFA), which implicitly means the Liga directors hold some favouritism toward Barca. Talk of such a conspiracy was playfully entertained last season as Barca marched on to win the Triplete on the back of some admittedly questionable calls by referees. But this season, the outrage and accusations have grown further as calls like the erroneous penalty called against Espanyol in the Barcelona derbi or Ronaldo’s recent red-card in light of Messi’s pardon show some suspect decisions.
Entertaining such theories is a very tall accusation and, to be quite blunt, it is pure rubbish. Referees are human and they do make mistakes. As Ronaldo put it, it was simply bad luck that his flailing arm happened to connect with Mtiliga’s nose and, despite the fracture, Mtiliga admitted that Ronaldo did not intend to cause harm. It seems, instead, that the Portuguese's red card and subsequent two-match ban came as a result of his action rather than the intent behind it. Should Messi have broken Valiente’s nose or caused a similar injury, perhaps he would have been sent off as well and we would not be having this debate.
But this begs the question as to where to draw the line when it comes to punishing a player for the results of his actions rather than intent behind them. For those who saw Deportivo La Coruna left-back Filipe Luis’ horrific ankle injury in scoring a goal against Athletic Bilbao (if you haven’t, don’t Youtube it; it truly is sickening) one has to wonder: if the ball had not nestled into the back of the net, would Athletic keeper Gorka Iraizoz have been sent off, banned for a number of matches, and a penalty awarded? Despite the fact that he did not intend to cause Luis any harm, does the fact that he shattered the talented Brazilian’s ankle,
ended his season and dreams of playing in the World Cup with Dunga’s Brazilian national team, and put his career in jeopardy merit a punishment?
The simple answer is no, simply because that would be absurd. Football is a sport in which athletes run, jump, kick, and slide and these activities are inherently dangerous. One tries to minimise injury, but inevitably accidents do happen and players will get hurt. It is a simple fact of the game and a known risk. A referee’s job is make sure no player attempts to purposefully injure an opponent or puts himself in a position that could significantly compromise a player, but sometimes that line can become a bit hazy and that is where referees must use their own judgement.
However, in the case of Cristiano Ronaldo’s red-card and two-match ban, I would be hard-pressed to admit that the punishment is warranted. A yellow card? Sure. A red card? Doubtful. A two-match ban? No. As for Cristiano, the way the incentives seem to have aligned through this entire debacle point to one message: next time a player tries to hold you up, don’t try to fight through the foul and play the ball. Dive. Sometimes the sport benefits if one just lets the players play.
Do you think Cristiano’s red-card was justified? Is a two-match ban excessive, just right, or not enough?
Cristiano Ronaldo Latest,
real madrid
Real Madrid Will Miss Cristiano Ronaldo On Saturday

Deportivo La Coruna Coach Lotina Says Real Madrid Will Miss Cristiano Ronaldo On Saturday
The coach of the Galician outfit says the bigger teams have better squads....
Deportivo La Coruna coach Miguel Angel Lotina believes that Real Madrid will miss Cristiano Ronaldo when
they visit the Riazor on Saturday night.
Ronaldo is suspended for the game after being shown a straight red card after committing a foul trying to
evade the attention of Patrick Mtiliga in the 2-0 win over Malaga at the Bernabeu last Sunday.
The Portuguese star scored one of Real's three goals in a five goal thriller at the Bernabeu when the two
sides last met on the opening day of the season and Lotina remarked that Ronaldo's absence will have a
"significant" effect.
"He [Ronaldo} is among the three best players in the world and his absence would be a significant loss for
any team," he is quoted as saying by AS.
Lotina also stated that his team will try hard to battle with the best team's in La Liga but says other squads
are better placed to do well.
"Depor will fight to be amongst the best, there are other squads more tailored to being up at the top," he
Cristiano Ronaldo Latest,
real madrid
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Wednesday, January 27, 2010
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